Douro Deck among the finalists in the category of the Mobis XIV Award 2023

On September 29th, Douro deck was distinguished at the 20th gala of the Mobis XIV 2023
Award. We were among the 5 finalists in the “Non-Ceramic Flooring and Coatings” category
of this prestigious award.
Created in 1999, the Mobis Award aims to celebrate the quality and excellence of
Portuguese furniture. Synonymous with innovation, entrepreneurship, development,
progress and, above all, success of what is portuguese.

This year, the Mobis Award Gala took place at the Cruise Terminal of the Port of Leixões,
distinguishing, once again, the best in Furniture, Interior Design, Architecture, Innovation
and Entrepreneurship, in an initiative organized by the magazine Móveis em Notícia

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